
The Challenge

In September 2018, Jamie Beaumont, Founder of Offerd, set out to create an MVP digital platform for recruiters in order to secure funding for full product development. He initially hired an outsourcing agency to build the MVP. Unfortunately, the collaboration proved ineffective and the app produced was unusable.

By July 2019, Jamie had raised £300,000 from investors, which allowed him to pay off the original agency and seek a new partner. He hired a second agency, which delivered a well-designed product but fell short in other critical areas. Lacking in integrated tests, the platform  broke with any update.

Despite spending over £200,000 on development, Jamie was left with an MVP that wasn’t stable enough for market release. He needed a new partner to take his product to market.

How We Helped

Following an in-depth discovery session, our team at Evolved proposed a different approach. Instead of jumping straight into building Jamie’s ideal product, we prioritized stabilizing the current MVP to ensure it was market-ready. We aimed to resolve the platform’s issues and polish the product so Jamie could start generating revenue.

This approach aligned perfectly with Jamie’s vision. As he put it:

“I didn’t want agencies to just make money off me; I was looking to build a long-term, reliable relationship.”

To achieve this, Evolve provided a tailored, Agile team consisting of:

• Head of Delivery

• Solution Architect

• Two .NET developers

• Node.js developer

The team size was scaled up or down based on the evolving needs of the project, ensuring both flexibility and cost-efficiency.


Today, the Offerd platform is now live and actively used by real customers. Evolved continue to provide application support.


Jamie Beaumont, Founder @ Offerd

"We have people using our product and getting value from it now, which is great. This wouldn’t be possible without Evolved. I’m happy to send everyone I speak to over to Evolved!"

Jamie Beaumont, Founder @ Offerd